August 10, 2011

Ashton Kutcher's acceptance speech at TCA 2011

Ashton Kutcher covers Katy Perry's Teenage Dream at Teen Choice Awards 2011. Omg he's so funny! Hahaha. I think he should be just stay in his bed instead of singing! Lol. I love this guy so damn much (ʃ⌣ƪ) Here's the video :

New hobby :))

Holiday~ holiday~
Kurang kerjaan selama liburan? Aku malah bermain satu permainan di facebook. Namanya IT GIRL '__' Mainan itu mengajarkan kita bagaimana cara menghabiskan uang secara cepat. Dan seperti di kehidupan nyata, ketika uang habis, kita bangkrut dan akan berwajah seperti ini >> щ(º__ºщ)
Milih-milih baju, ganti baju, dan lomba siapa yang paling gaya pokoknya mah (lomba '__'). Jadi bermainlah It Girl dan jadi Clique-ku! Ha ha ha ha #hening. Sekian aja.
Tapi sebelumnya, nih ya liat, aku udah gaya banget sumpah ._.v
Ini ala tukang bunga
Ini gaya wanita masa kini '__'
Ini gaya wanita kepik
Ini ala Syahrini o_o

June 03, 2011

Happy 21 years old!

31 Mei 2011
Tak disangka tak diduga :O yang tadinya dikirain bakalan mengalami ulang tahun yang biasa aja, taunya malah banyak yg mengejutkan :"> ihi ihi \(´▽`)/
Sekitar 12.00 (siang hari) pulang kuliah, panas-panasan, capek maksimal, pas sampe kamar tau-tau didalem udah ada Mami, Catherine (kakak), Diana (adik), sama Dante (adik kecil). *buka pintu* semuanya ngomong "HAPPY BIRTHDAY! YEEAAY!!" seketika mataku melotot, hatiku dag dig dug, dan tertawa-tawa sambil menutup mulut menggunakan tangan ala-ala terharu :"> *lebay* dan mereka bukan bawain cake dengan lilin, tapiii..... malah bawain makanan kesukaan yaitu Pizza, banyak dan entah gimana ngabisinnya. Ah tapi sayang lupa foto dulu (sibuk makan karena kelaparan). Sumpah seneng banget ih keluarga aku unyu banget :"3 aku cinta kalian pokoknya sampai maut memisahkan! (˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩)

Nah, sore harinya (lupa jam berapa) ada.... ada... itu... pacar :"> dikirain sih mau jalan aja biasa (biasanya jalan aja) tau-tau pas lagi sibuk mengunyah pizza yang tadi *tetep* ada yang mengetuk pintu *tok-tok* cuma 2x ngetuknya bikin penasaran. Pas dibukaaa.... haaaa :O ada pacarku bawa cake tanpa lilin (karena ga sempet katanya) nyanyi sebaris "Happy birthday to you" aaaa aku tidak menyangka X"> sedih-sedih seneng gitu mau melayang ke luar angkasa sampai bulan :"3 dia juga bawain kado

 Ini foto kue dari pacar :"> manis sekali semanis wajahku ini *ahhh*. Sama kado dari dia yang isinya juga aku sukaaa banget! Tapi rahasia ahh, yang jelas aku mah suka banget, pweety and smells good!

Itu aja belum selesai, malemnya aku diajakin makan :"> sebelumnya liat airmancur dengan lampu-lampu (air mancurnya kecil ƪ(⌣_⌣")ʃ) daaan selalu lupa harus foto berdua *sebel*. Setelah liat air-air dan lampu-lampu yang vewy vewy pweety, aku makan terus kadoya baru dibuka aaaa ihi ihi :"> tak terkira deh senengnya ulang tahun kali ini. Makasih banyaaak buat pacar! Aku tembak pake peluru cintah (-o‾v‾)==♥=♥(ˇoˇ )

Kebesokannya, ternyata belum selesai. Di kampus, teman-temanku tersayang tercinta terlucu ter ter terrrr ternyata buat kejutan juga aahhh (ʃ⌣ƪ) lagi asik-asik ngobrol tau-tau dateng bawa kue lagiiii :"3 (kali ini ada lilinnya) *akhirnya*. Ya ampun, pas liat mereka bawa kue nyanyi-nyanyi ahhh mau nangis sebenernya (˘̩̩••˘̩̩) aku pelukin satu-satu semuanya. Makasih banyak ICHA, OLIPE, TAFA yang ada dibalik semua ini. Kalian super! Super gila, super unyu, super baik, super junior #eh. Pokoknya aku cintah!

Ini kuenya :"> lilinnya udah dicabut, tapi sumpah kok ada lilinnya (masih pada masalah lilin). Seneng banget ihhh aku terharu, esmeralda (˘̩̩v˘̩ƪ)

(agak burem fotonya, mungkin karena lilin) *lilin lagi*

Buat semuanya yang super baik inget sama ulang taun aku, makasih banyaaak! 
Kalau kata Taylor Swift mah "You are the best thing that's ever been mine". Jadi intinya, apa ya? Oh. Umur 21 tahun 2011 ini seneng banget ih, semuanya perhatian orang terdekat. Aku akan selalu mengingatnya, esmeralda (˘̩̩••˘̩̩) cium peluk tendang! dadah.

February 05, 2011

Plastic Surgery Helped Them Out

Nose Surgery. Wow, it's amazing for me to know most of Hollywood actors and actresses having nose surgery. Let's check 'em out.
Ashton Kutcher :">

Beyonce Knowles

Victoria Beckham

Paris Hilton

Halle Berry

Britney Spears

Zac Efron

Wow, really really helped them out. Money talks (¬¸¬)/

January 07, 2011

Anorexic Models Die on the Catwalk

The fashion industry has become more aware of anorexic models and the dangers of anorexia nervosa within this business. Like others who suffer from anorexia, an anorexic model develops fears over becoming fat and loosing jobs. And this is a valid fear; many models have been told by managers that they need to lose weight in order to keep working.
The disease may start out innocently enough – with just harsh dieting, intense exercise, and/or the use of laxatives. Over time, however, the person’s self image gets distorted. They always see themselves as too fat for success and continue the unhealthy behaviors.
Anorexic models are common on catwalks where the pressure to fit into zero size outfits seems intense. As time goes on, an anorexic model may become very weak, develop a variety of health issues, and also show serious signs of depression. Eventually, anorexia nervosa can lead to death

1. Eliana Ramos, 18, collapsed six months after her sister Luisel had a heart attack during a fashion show and triggered an international debate over the use of size zero models on the catwalks.

2. Another model, Isabelle Caro, became the face of anorexia by appearing on billboards showing her thinness to heighten awareness about this condition. After collapsing, Caro realized she needed help. On her road to recovery, she hopes some day to become a mother.  Anorexia can cause infertility, however. 

3. Ana Carolina Reston was an anorexic model who did not get help. She died after consuming only apples and tomatoes as her “diet plan,” leaving her 5’8” tall body weighing only 88 pounds at the time of her death. Similarly Luisel Ramos died after eating only lettuce and diet coke for 90 days. Both models were only in their early 20s.

Girls with anorexia are at risk for a number of serious health problems, including osteoporosis (bone loss), kidney disease, liver disease, heart failure, and even death.  Anorexic girls are often not aware of the serious risks posed by their condition and may not seek the treatment they need.

January 02, 2011

Hollywood Today

Paris Hilton caught in cam walking down the street with her two lovely pets.

Her new hair give some fresh look to Emma Watson. Pretty as usual :)
Ashley Greene and Joe Jonas together.
Adorable Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen

Looks gorgeous with straight hair, Taylor Swift ;)